Members of the Board of Directors of BOSCO-USA have spent the past week visiting BOSCO-Uganda projects. One of the main purposes of this visit was to introduce a new program called Classroom to Classroom Collaboration (C2C). Basically, science teachers in the USA and teachers in Uganda work together to collaboratively teach their students about data-gathering and analysis.

In order to generate content for the program, partner schools in the USA have raised funding for GPS and other equipment to test and track water sources in Pabo Secondary School, Lacor Secondary School, Lacor Primary Seven, and Pagak Primary School. The GPS unit is used to map the location of the water source on Google Maps, followed by testing. Results are posted on BOSCO's wikispace.

Funding for GPS equipment was kindly raised and provided by Robin Dirksen, a science teacher at Lead-Deadwood High School in South Dakota.

Here are some great photos from our trusty photographer, Justin, who was visiting with his father Tom Loughran, BOSCO-USA Board Member.



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