Hello everyone. I thought a few updates were appropriate as of now. Our web site has added a new link, to Oxfam-Australia's "Refugee Realities: Your Rights in Crisis". This site has first hand accounts from IDP camp dwellers on the conditions of their day to day existence in these hopeless places. We hope that viewing them will help all to better understand what we are trying to do here at BOSCO.

There are, for example, interviews with two young men named "Law" and "Royal Lion" from the Pabbo IDP site. Please visit and take a look!

On another front. As you know, we have been planning a medium sized expansion into Kitgum, and to the Lacor hospital among others, of the BOSCO network. To this end, we have sent two new advanced long-range Wi-Fi devices to Gulu for testing by the team, in preparation for what we hope will be a successful deployment this September. Getting this done will not just bring communication and safety to an entire new province (Kitgum), and provide emergency communications between the camps and the Hospital, but will also allow us to broaden our financial base so as to secure our broadband providers costs, and hopefully to purchase more bandwidth in the near future...Ted



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